Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chemistery gk of the day


A molecule is the smallest particle in a chemical element or compound that has the chemical properties of that element or compound.


An element is a substance that is made entirely from one type of atom. For example, the element hydrogen is made from atoms containing a single proton and a single electron. 


An atom is a particle of matter that uniquely defines a chemical element. An atom consists of a central nucleus that is usually surrounded by one or more electrons. Each electron is negatively charged.

The Elements

It was Lavoisier who produced the first fairly reliable list of elements. However, it contained substances which had not, up to that time, yielded up their true elements, such as magnesia.

States of Matter

Matter can exist in three states - solid, liquid or gas (vapour). Virtually all substances are able to exist in more than one of these three states.

Modern chemistry

Modern chemistry is the study of the building blocks of matter and the fundamental units of chemistry are elements. There are  about 90 naturally occurring elements.

Chemical Reactions

Chemical reactions occur all the time - when fuels are burnt, in the industrial extraction of metals from their ores, and in many natural life processes.

Chemical Groups

The broad classifications of the elements is metals and non-metals.

Chemical Bonds

Although there are only 112 known elements, there are millions of chemical substances found in nature or made artificially.

Atomic Structure

Atoms are the smallest particle of an element that can exist, and can be regarded as the building blocks of everything. Atoms can  combine to form molecules.


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